Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Random Meanderings

The firm, ripe, white flesh gave way easily as she sank her teeth into it. An explosion of tart sweetness burst over her lips, racing like electricity through her mouth. The slightly sandpaper-like skin prickled her tongue. Juice dripped out of the right corner of her mouth and down her chin in beads. Her eyes were closed and her face was lifted heavenward, caught in a moment of pure joy. She tried to extend the moment, the bliss, the sweetness, by staying completely still. But like all such moments, it passed too quickly and left only its impression on her senses. With the back of her free hand, she wiped away the traces of juice from her chin, sighed, and tossed the pit of the fruit into the tide. A light breeze lifted a stray blond curl away from her face and caused her skirt to graze her legs. She opened wide, hopeful blue eyes and stared out at the horizon over the water from her place on the edge of dock, and continued to wait.

When I got home from work tonight, I grabbed a piece of fruit from the fridge, took a bite, and immediately had to write. That was what came of it. Not terribly impressed. It'll probably end up as part of a short story of some sort, though I am not certain of what the short story will be yet. Thought I'd post it anyway since I needed to update my blog anyway.

So it goes.

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