Friday, July 3, 2009

So it goes.

You'd be a beautiful, rambling, klutz. Eloquent but without grace. You'd be amazing.

I've had a thing for that particular statement since the moment I first read it. It was a gut punch- someone actually knew me well enough to know how completely me that description was, and was still there. It was a first. It was bliss.

I'll let you in on a little secret. I'm a sucker for the written word. Things like this:

Kindred spirit is a term for someone who shares similar thoughts, feelings, someone who is close in temperament and nature to yourself, to whom you have a rare spiritual link that is very special and you can't quite explain.

.. make my heart stop in my chest. I love words- I love the way that when put together in the right order, they can unlock the deepest chambers of your heart and mind. I love the way that the same words, when put in a slightly different order, can devastate. The intimacy of words compels me to crave them like an addict needs their next fix. And when words don't come, it leaves my soul feeling bereft. So it goes.

This is my first post in this blog. I have some time on my hands and a lot on my mind- and enough varied emotions sloshing around that I'm inspired to write-, so it will be the first of many. What will this blog be about? Words. Words I've said. Words I've meant to say. Words I've heard. Those I need to hear. Words I'll never hear. Words I want to hear. The ones I want to say. The ones I'll never say. Look for some short stories to come, some spiritual discussion, most likely some whining, undoubtedly some tears. There will probably be some frustration, annoyance, and anger tossed into the mix just to liven things up. No holds barred. So it goes.

There's little in life quite as daunting as facing a newly cleared screen with nothing but a blinking cursor in a sea of white pixels. One has but two choices: stare blankly at it and fail to keep going or fill it with the words occupying your soul. I think you can guess which one I'm choosing.

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